Monday, May 2, 2011

My Celebration

That's right, I'm celebrating on this cold, rainy day! Why?

Because my husband is halfway through with medical school!

Unless you've actually gone through medical school/been married to someone who is going through medical school, I'm sorry, but you just cannot know the sheer joy that these little landmarks bring! I won't go into the heartache, unbelievably long hours, exhaustion, giddy laughter, fights, stress, sleepless nights and zombie-like days that make up going through medical school. All I will say is that I am happy that those exhausting first two years are O.V.E.R. :)

I am beyond proud of my husband, who studies anywhere from (at least) twelve hours to eighteen hours a day (that's seven days a week) and is an amazing husband and father. Way to go, love!! These two years have been hard, but I would not trade them for anything (yes, that's right). Medical couples, I think, have a unique opportunity to grow up real fast in terms of understanding that love means not fighting when you want to so badly, being committed to each other when you don't know where you're going to be in a few years or what you'll be doing, seeing each other sometimes only twenty minutes all day, and carrying a general feeling of stress around twenty-four seven. I'm not making it sound very glamorous am I? Well, folks, it's not.

But, how did I celebrate!?

I greeted my hubby at the door, gave him a big kiss, told him I was proud of him....

...then promptly dropped the sweet baby in his arms and headed back to our room to take an hour-and-a-half long bubble bath, where I relaxed and read April and May's Southern Living magazines cover to cover. For me, this was the perfect celebration. :)

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