Sunday, October 16, 2011


Yes, I did pack up the car and drive to and from Houston in a matter of three days


And do you know what I said when I pulled back into the driveway on Saturday at 4:16 PM?

To my husband: "Can I please get a standing ovation?"

I'm such a drama queen, because in all reality, the little dude was awesome/perfect/amazing/precious/an excellent traveler. Really. But it was super scary being in the car that long with just my little guy without my big guy there to help. I was so tense the entire 14 hours, that I really got a unique opportunity to hone my math skills: 3 hours and 26 more minutes until we're in Houston......Okay, we've been driving for 2 hours and 14 minutes, so we have 4 hours and 46 more minutes left in this automobile. You get the picture. :)

But, we had a great quick visit.

I got to see my best friend and her hubby, I got to spend some precious time with a good friend who is going through a rough time, and I got to enjoy watching my in-laws play with the toddler. All things that warm my heart.

Sorry I didn't take any pics. Lame, I know. I even packed my camera! Erg. It was a whirlwind, though. I contemplated taking a picture of the inside of the car, but I was afraid you would judge me messy and crazy forever. :)

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