Friday, March 11, 2011

A Tale of Two Shoes

I can distinctly remember the day: It was a beautiful, sunny day in August when my mom took my sister and I shopping. She bought both of us the same outfit that we went crazy for. It was a poofy gold skirt with a sleeveless cream top. To. Die. For. My 18 year-old self, and my sister's 15 year-old self knew that.

"Mom," I said, "I don't have any shoes to go with this." My sister echoed my sentiments.

So, my mom took us to Dillard's to get shoes that would match our new, cute outfits. It didn't take us long to find them. There they were: the gold BCBG shoes that we knew we couldn't live without. It was like they were specifically designed for the outfit.

"They're perfect!" Then, I did something that I had never done before--exemplified fiscal responsibility. "Why don't we get one pair and then just share them?" I'm sure that at the time my mom was secretly in shock over my comment, but we did just that. We bought one pair of shoes.

Thus ensues the six-year shoe battle of the sisters.

We went back and forth stealing and hiding those shoes for years. I would hide them under my bed, then my sister would hide them under a quilt in the linen closet. Back and forth, back and forth. The best, though, was when I left for college--in Texas. Perfect solution! I hid the shoes in my bag, and there they were, safe and sound in my dorm room. Or so I thought. My sister nabbed them on a visit. Darn.

Today, my sister came over to the house to play with my son. While she was over, I remembered something.

"Oh! I have a bunch of clothes that I'm about to give away. Do you want to look through them?"

I was in the middle of going through all my clothes, when she spotted them.

"The BCBG shoes!"

I laughed. "Do you want them?" I asked. (What on earth am I going to do with a pair of 4" heels? Unless they're barf-proof, can be put on in less than five seconds, and are good for chasing down a child that is headed toward an electrical socket, I'm not interested.)

She looked them over, looked at me, busted out laughing, and said, "Nope."

So, the years of fighting back and forth over these shoes, and what do we have to show for it? Neither one of us want this pair of perfect shoes that have been barely worn and frequently hid. :)

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