Friday, August 22, 2014

Trio Building

Nathan built his first Trio set--a castle, with two dragons and two dragon riders. He was so proud of it!

And, just because he's adorable and growing like a weed, here's a picture of Mr. Jack:

Friday, August 15, 2014

Planes, Cupcakes, And Snuggles

Summer is winding down, isn't it? The weather is getting cooler (here, at least). I'm busy with shot records and a million other forms for school for the boys (Why do I need to fill in the same information year after year? The number on their birth certificates hasn't changed, people.). I'm getting a new little bunch of sweet 2 and 3 year olds in my Sunday School class this weekend. I saw Halloween stuff in Kroger yesterday. So, yes, summer is winding down.

I've cherished this summer and all the time I've spent with my boys. Last week, Nathan I went to go see Planes: Fire and Rescue. We both loved it! And I took him out for a milkshake afterwards. So fun!

Scott's schedule has been far from glamorous. Not to worry though, it gets better in January (insert exasperated face). He's been gone so much; we've barely seen him at all! The other afternoon, this momma right here was about to lose it! So, what was my solution? Pulling into Bubblecake for cupcakes, of course! It bought me twelve minutes of peace (for nearly seven dollars). And folks, it was worth it.

Can I switch gears for a sec and talk about this youngest boy of mine? Oh my mercy does he have a feisty personality (can't think where on earth he got that from)! He's strong willed, hard headed, and does almost nothing quietly or peacefully. Just about the polar opposite of his big brother who has never been loud, this one likes to announce to the world when we've arrived anywhere. I almost cried leaving Barnes and Noble yesterday as he was screaming bloody murder and kicking and nearly flipping out of the umbrella stroller (and I was thinking, "Please stop staring at me. I'm not stealing this baby. He does actually belong to me.") because I was taking him away from the train table.

But heavens, oh heavens, does he snuggle. I knew it from the first week we brought him home from the hospital--this was my snuggle bug. My cuddler. My sweet sugar boy. He is so affectionate, and I just eat up every second of it! For as passionately as he can get angry or upset, he can just as passionately be cuddly and sweet and lovey-dovey. I cherish every snuggle with this boy. (And yes, my one year old weighs 32 pounds. The definition in my arms also cherishes the snuggles.)

I want to remember this summer exactly as it was: sweet. I've spent so much time having fun with my  boys. Scott has been gone for nearly the entire summer, which has majorly stunk, but God has pulled through, as He most definitely always does, and equipped me to handle these boys--and more than that, to enjoy them in the midst of juggling doctor wifehood and a full time job. And that is no small thing.