Friday, July 10, 2015

Life Lately

Well, I suppose we're approaching the halfway mark through the summer, aren't we!? Whew! I do appreciate a summer passing quickly, as it's NOT EASY AT ALL working from home with my precious sons here 24/7. ;)

Here's a bit of what we've been up to lately!

Canoeing the Roanoke River. Scott, one of his fellow surgery residents, and Nathan went and canoed and fished on the Roanoke River. They had a fun {and wet!} time! I'm not even sure how this is possible in a canoe, but they did flip. Geez louise, give me a heart attack why dontcha!?

Birthday breakfast date. On the morning of Nathan's fifth birthday {that still sounds weird. FIVE!? Is anyone else having a panic attack?? No?? Just me??}, he and I had a special breakfast date at Sweet Donkey. Nathan said, "I want to go to Sweet Donkey, because I juuuuust loooooove their cinnamon casserole!" He means cinnamon roll. But, come on, that's just the cutest thing. :)

The 4th of July. The morning of July 4th, I got to go out by myself and for an eight mile run. It was overcast. I ran right by the river. It was PERFECT. Then, we went out for a yummy lunch at Fork in the Alley. In all honesty, the rest of the day was much, much less than perfect {ha! long story involving a failed pig roast}, but the first half of the day was great!


Splish, splash! Okay, Roanoke, I get it. You like to invite the rain. Awesome. And I love that the temperature rarely ventures into the nineties in the dead of summer, BUT STILL! Enough with the rain!!! It does make for cute puddle pictures, though! :)

Trips to the park. So fun!. . . until the fighting and bickering takes over and melts into screaming and wailing as we leave. Just keeping it real! ;)

"Hey, look! I'm Mom!" #smartyPants

A picnic in the front yard! It would be too easy just to show you these pictures and let you think that I lead a picture perfect life where we eat lunch on a quilt in the front yard and the boys run around catching lizards. No. There was fighting and disobedience and eventually a trip to time out and me rolling up the picnic blanket and marching back inside and wanting to scream for the zillionth time, "HEY! I'M TRYING TO MAKE YOUR LIFE FUN AND ENJOYABLE! STOP GETTING IN THE WAY OF YOUR OWN DANG ENJOYMENT!" Mom life. SO not glamorous.

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