Sunday, June 19, 2016

First VBS Of The Summer

Well, the summer is officially underway. And, we have been having a busy, busy, busy and fun, fun, fun month of June! There have already been lots of popsicles eaten, afternoons spent running through the sprinklers, and trips to the snow cone shack. Last week was the first "camp" of the summer {we have many camps this summer}. The boys attended VBS at First Baptist Church Roanoke.

Jack was beyond excited that he was finally old enough to go to "Bible school." And on the first day, both of the boys just ran right in! They never cease to amaze me. Neither one of them had a single friend in their classes, and it's a church that we don't attend, and yet in they go--excited for the week! I hope they always keep that gumption.

The week was wonderful! Lots of crafts, Bible stories, songs, and snacks! The boys had a great time!

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