Friday, December 30, 2016

Three Months Old

Henry, you are such a sweet baby! Heavens, you are loved and adored!!

You go to bed around 8:00 PM, and you usually wake up around 7:30 AM. You like to be left alone in your crib, though, for about twenty minutes after I unswaddle you! {Yes, you're still sleeping swaddled!}

So far, you are growing, growing--but still smaller than your brothers were at this age! You're wearing 0-3 month clothes.

You nurse about eight times a day, which is pretty easy for me considering I work full time from home now!

Your brothers are still just as obsessed with you as they were on day one! They hold your hands, kiss your head, and snuggle you when you're laying on the floor.

You've discovered your hands! You're grabbing on to things, big boy! And oh, the sweet babbling noises you make! We call you "the senator," because you like to talk so much. I bet you'll be an early talker like your big brothers were. You've just started to laugh! It's my new favorite sound in the whole universe.

You are loved, sugar boy!

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