Friday, November 18, 2011

Thankful Turkeys

This November, the toddler and I have been working on our thankful turkeys. Let me explain.

I am trying to hit the ground running with the fact that my son finally enjoys coloring. So, I've been trying (with my so-totally-not-a-crafts-gal personality) to come up with as many coloring crafts as I can think of. So, using some ribbon, paper, scissors, crayons, tape, and a stapler, I came up with the thankful turkeys.

We have come up with things that the little guy is thankful for, and then we've discussed them as we've done each one.

And, I decided to hang it in the playroom--where we spend a good bit of time!

So far, our thankful turkeys include: family, Jesus, playing outside, and friends. All very, very important things that not just the little one is thankful for. :)

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