Sunday, September 25, 2011

Colds All Around

Ha-ha! I wish.

Yes, once again, sickness has struck in our little household of three. All three of us are sniffling, snotty, coughing, and a teensy bit feverish. Yuck.

When I took the little one to MDO this week, he had the sniffles. I thought it was the weather change. He didn't have a fever, so I didn't think anything of it. Then, it struck the hubbs. We figured it was something he picked up at the hospital (apparently, third year medical students get sick a lot--super). He didn't seem bad, though. The little one seemed to be over the sniffles by Friday, which was convenient since I was having a dinner party that evening.

So, la-dee-da, I was cooking and cleaning all day Friday. As soon as our friends came over, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm sure I looked like quite the picturesque hostess, trying to inadvertently wipe my nose every five minutes. Again, super.

By Saturday morning, all three of us were pseudo-miserable--except that I'd already RSVP'd for two parties. (In case you are unaware, I have two great pet peeves in life: 1) when people don't RSVP, and 2) when people RSVP that they're coming and then don't show up.) So, I decided I would go. I didn't have a fever--just sniffly. I made it through once again trying to secretly wipe my nose and not sound like a man from being so stopped up.

Then, when we woke up this morning, it was full-on sickness for all three of us. Erg. My husband is the sexiest man alive, because when I woke up this morning at 6:30 to cries of "Mommmmmaaaa!" coming out of the monitor, and swung my legs over the bed only to find a pounding headache, a nose stuffed up, and an aching body, he said, "Go back to bed, babe. I'll take care of him. You sleep as long as you want."

Um, Perfect Husband of the Year Award 2011? I think so.

So, we're all staying home today. Here's to magically getting better by Tuesday (for me and little man), and tomorrow (for my 'nearly a doctor' husband)!

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