Thursday, September 15, 2011

Growing Up

The toddler has been acting like such a...well...toddler lately! Here are some of the cute things he's been doing:

~He will ask, "Wuzzat?" (What's that?) He doesn't do it all the time, yet.

~I don't turn the monitor on loud until about 6 AM. Depending on what time the toddler wakes up, he will say, "Mama! Mama! Mama! MOMAAAAAA! MOMMMMAAAAAA! MOMMMMMAAAAAA!" It's like the child thinks I've just decided to go for a week-long vacation and leave him in his crib.

~He wants to point out everything. Everything. The second I turn on the alarm to leave, "Bye-bye!" The instant we walk out to the car, "Car!" As we're driving down the road, "Car!" When we play outside, "Sky!" Every time a bird chirps or a dog barks, "Bir! Dog!"

~He can point to and say eyes, nose, ears, belly, teeth, hair. My favorite? "Mama nose." Yes, son, yes she does. Don't ever forget it. :) And like any good southern boy, he pretty much always adds an extra syllable onto whatever he's saying. For example, "ear" sounds very much like, "eee-yer."

~He is starting to pitch fits in restaurants. We've decided that unless we're doing a very loud restaurant for dinner, it's worth the ten bucks an hour we pay our babysitters.

~I introduced "time out" the other day. We'll see how that goes...

~He's obsessed with cereal bars, Colby Jack cheese, yogurt ("yo!"), apple straws, and juice ("deuce"). He calls "water" "law-ter." It doesn't matter if he's taking a bath, pointing out a pool or sprinklers, or drinking water. It's one of the fifty other things he has to point out every. single. time. he sees it.

~His favorite book is "Washington D.C." He loves the pages on the White House and the president's helicopter. If he hears a plane, he says, "Heli-caw!"

~He is beyond, beyond, beyond obsessed with fire trucks. He points them out on everything. The other day, we were leaving Walmart and one drove through the parking lot and the firemen waved at him and honked. It was all I heard for the next twenty-four hours. "Fire tuck, fire, fire, fire tuck, fire." He really didn't want me to forget. :)

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