Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Seven Weeks

On more than one occasion, I have told an expectant mother: "For the first seven weeks, you think you're losing your mind. And then, suddenly, it gets worlds better." Which is just exactly how it was for me with my first child.

And just totally not at all how it was with my second.

These first seven weeks have been sweet, laid back, enjoyable--really, really enjoyable.

He's an easy baby. I don't know how else to say it. As much as I have wanted to throttle mothers who said that--well, it's the truth. He is. And, to be honest, the second time around is just easier. You know what you're doing. You can't completely dive head first into Crazy Newborn Land because you've got another little person who is counting on you for things like dinner, clean clothes, and a calm explanation (for the ten bajillionth time) of why we do not go tee-tee and poo-poo anywhere other than the toilet. 

Little dude has slept through the night for a total of four nights! This morning, though, I heard his little cry at 2:30, and so I got up to nurse him. He goes back to sleep so quickly that it isn't a burden to have to get up to feed him. I feed him for about fifteen minutes--while I watch fifteen minutes of some substantive television program, like The Bachelor--and then I put him down, and go back to bed. 

I can't believe how big my little dumpling is getting! I mean, my first son never rocked the double chin quite like this one does! :)

The boys never nap at the same time, so I've always got one of them who's demanding my attention. But now that I'm back at work and the toddler is back at school, I am soaking up these days at home full of my sweet, sweet boys.

The toddler is a constant reminder of just how quickly this stage passes. Mr. Chunk no longer looks like a newborn! And before I know it, I will be on my knees in the kitchen holding his face in my hands and explaining that we do not go tee-tee and poo-poo in our underwear, please sir! :)

In just a couple weeks, he'll have his two month check-up, and I can't wait to see how much he has grown! Happy seven weeks, little mister! :)

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