Sunday, February 20, 2011

We Made It!

These past few Sundays in our household have been a bit tense. We've been on edge, because our son has yet to make it through a single Sunday without us getting called out of church at least once (the max number was three times) to come collect our screaming child.

I was praying frantically the whole way to church that I would be like a certain friend of mine who has the best "mom attitude" of anyone I know. I asked God to help me channel my inner mom idol. :)

Surprisingly, it worked. By the time we were getting out of the car, I felt like, Okay, if we get called out of church it will be totally fine. I will smile and collect my bundle of joy, and remind myself that I won't remember this when he is a college grad getting married someday. Whew.

I dropped him off to his class, and as usual scurried to find my husband, who had gotten the seats closest to an exit. We made it through two songs. We smiled at each other. We made it through the welcome. We actually high-fived in the middle of church. Then, about three-quarters of the way through the sermon, there they were: the dreaded red numbers.

Gasp! They weren't ours! They were someone elses! We smiled--definitely too happy--at each other.

When we went to pick up our little angel, he was all smiles and his teacher was gushing about how good he was. Maybe we've made a breakthrough! I sure hope so! It was nice to actually get to worship and pay attention to the message for the first time in a long time.

On our way out of the children's center, a woman actually stopped us and said, "Is that _________?" We both smiled, "Yes." "Oh, he was so good today!"

Of course this translated our already amazingly perfect church experience to the mindset that we are the greatest parents in the world, and that our son is the best-behaved boy in his entire Sunday school class. :)

I'm sure that next Sunday I'll be consoling myself with thoughts of how trivial this all is, when we get called out of church for the bajillionth time. But I'm determined--no more tears. At least coming from Momma. ;)

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